There are just some days where you wake up and can't open your eyes, in every sense possible. You're sleepy and want more shut eye, but even once you're up you can't open your swollen, puffy eyes. Feeling tired is frustrating, and looking tired is even more frustrating. The good news is, it is possible to disguise those tired eyes (ooh that rhymed!). The two main things that make your eyes look tired are puffiness, and dark circles. I am going to talk about the first part, the puffiness, here and I will talk about how to treat the darkness in another post soon.
Puffiness can be treated with a number of tools. Moisture will cure any crepiness which can make you look older and more tired. Cooling will cause cells to contract and reduce swelling/puffiness. Massaging will increase blood flow which will also reduce swelling. There are now a number of products that can give you the moisture, cooling, and gentle massage all in one. These all-in-one products not only make it easier, but faster, which is nice when you're tired and probably either late or moving slowly. Here is a list of my favorite all-in-one puffy eye cures. They all provide a very smooth moisture, which will also make any makeup you put on top of it go on smoothly (I will talk about those products in the next post). They all either have cooling effects from the ingredients, or have a metal tip which is cooling to the touch. The metal tip, especially a roller-ball, also massages the eye area, giving you all the puffy cures in one.
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